
task. h

BaseType_t xTaskResumeAll( void );

Resumes scheduler activity after it was suspended by a call to vTaskSuspendAll().

xTaskResumeAll() only resumes the scheduler. It does not unsuspend tasks that were previously suspended by a call to vTaskSuspend().

If resuming the scheduler caused a context switch then pdTRUE is returned, otherwise pdFALSE is returned.

Example usage:

void vTask1( void * pvParameters )
    for( ;; )
     // Task code goes here.
     // ...
     // At some point the task wants to perform a long operation during
     // which it does not want to get swapped out.  It cannot use
     // taskENTER_CRITICAL ()/taskEXIT_CRITICAL () as the length of the
     // operation may cause interrupts to be missed - including the
     // ticks.
     // Prevent the real time kernel swapping out the task.
     vTaskSuspendAll ();
     // Perform the operation here.  There is no need to use critical
     // sections as we have all the microcontroller processing time.
     // During this time interrupts will still operate and the real
     // time kernel tick count will be maintained.
     // ...
     // The operation is complete.  Restart the kernel.  We want to force
     // a context switch - but there is no point if resuming the scheduler
     // caused a context switch already.
     if( !xTaskResumeAll () )
          taskYIELD ();