Robobo project is an example of embedded project where unit tests are executed on development computer instead of Arduino target. Such approach is convenient for developer since he doesn’t need to load software to target board in order to validate results of tests. Test feedback is delivered straight from unit test execution on developer machine. This is big benefit for medium and large scale projects as it speeds up development process. There are several pitfalls which you should be aware of before starting such approach in your project.

Unit tests

Arduino code (lets call it production code) is different than unit test code. Purpose of unit tests is to ease developer. Major function of unit tests is just to execute series of functions calls and validate whether their output is aligned with requirements. Code base that is used to compile unit test is common with production code. In the end it is a production code we want to test.

Unit tests application is like as any other. It differers from purpose perspective but from high level it is still compiled C/C++ code. In embedded development we deal with additional complexity factor which is fact that same code runs on developer machine (unit tests on Intel or AMD x86) and same code is runs on target (in our case Arduino). There are many differences between these two targets. For instance on development machine we have advanced OS like Linux or Windows while on target Arduino we usually have no OS at all.

PC and Arduino differences

Lets try to summarize what differcies are most important when running unit tests on development machine. Also lets learn how to write a code that wont be causing us a problems during development.

Built in types on Arduino

Almost all books about C/C++ refers to platforms specific details when describing various data types. C/C++ doesn’t guarantee sizes of basic data types. For instance if we deal with int type on a PC you will probably have 4 bytes representation in integral value. On Arduino you will have only 2 bytes for integral representations. What does this mean for you? Answer is quite simple. Maximum and minimum value for integral representations are 2147483647 and -2147483648 on PC and 32767 and -32768 on Arduino.

In most cases you might ignore this fact but if you are crossing boundaries you might expect functional differences when running unit tests and target code. Below are two different code snippet that you can use to determine sizes of data types.


int main(int argc,char *argv[])
    cout<<"sizeof(int):    "<<sizeof(int)<<endl;
    cout<<"sizeof(short):  "<<sizeof(short)<<endl;
    cout<<"sizeof(long):   "<<sizeof(long)<<endl;
    cout<<"sizeof(float):  "<<sizeof(float)<<endl;
    cout<<"sizeof(double): "<<sizeof(double)<<endl;


void loop()
  Serial.print("sizeof(int):    "); 
  Serial.print("sizeof(short):  ");
  Serial.print("sizeof(long):   ");
  Serial.print("sizeof(float):  ");
  Serial.print("sizeof(double): ");
  delay (1000);

Arduino Mega Builtin data type sizes

Below table represents result from program executions on both platforms.

PC output Arduino MEGA Arduino Due
sizeof(int): 4 sizeof(int): 2 sizeof(int): 4
sizeof(short): 2 sizeof(short): 2 sizeof(short): 2
sizeof(long): 8 sizeof(long): 4 sizeof(long): 4
sizeof(float): 4 sizeof(float): 4 sizeof(float): 4
sizeof(double): 8 sizeof(double): 4 sizeof(double): 8

As you can see Arduino types differ from PC. Since Arduino Mega uses 8bit controller builtin data types are smaller than on PC.

Best practices for embedded development

In order to avoid potential problems with data types you should use dedicated set of typedefs. Its sizes are platform independent. This is convenient method of variable declarations. Modern standard libraries provides you set of typedefs that you can use without worry about size. These are examples:

int8_t   // integral 8 bits signed
int16_t  // integral 16 bits signed
uint8_t  // integral 8 bits unsigned

When you are using them you might be assured that when you compile your code on different target sizes will remain same.


Another important aspect of running unit tests on PC when dealing with embedded development is endianees. For our Arduino case study we are lucky that both Intel x86 and Arduino AVR use little endian.

You might want to ask why endianness is so important from off-target unit tests angle. Lets analyze simple code and then I will provide some explanations.


int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    unsigned char tbl[]={1,2};
    unsigned short val;

    val = *(unsigned short*)tbl;
    cout << hex << val << endl;
    cout << dec << val << endl;


void loop()
   unsigned char tbl[]={1,2};
   unsigned short val;

   val = *(unsigned short*)tbl;

At the beginning we initialize memory assigned for tbl with 1 and 2. In memory map this memory region would look like follow: 0x0102. Then in next step we are assigning this memory to our val by using pointer cast and dereference. And here we are touching essence of endianness because in in next step we print out value stored in val. Printing out is interpretation of variable memory. On little-endian this will produce a value of 0x0201 while on big-endian we produce a value of 0x0102. Same operation on two different endianness will output two different values. In our case both programs results producing same value 0x0201 (which is equal to 513 in decimal notation) as both platforms are little endian.

Lets put this precisely: ATSAM3X8E, ATmega2560 and Intel x86 are all little endian.

There is a few of engineering practices built on endiannes pitfalls. Engineers would like to write a code that is portable between machines. In this article I wont cover all of these methods but I would like to give you some common sense what are such practices about.

Some advices I can give from my past experience:

  • First places to look for endianness issues are places were you dealing with interfaces that provides you chunks of memory on input instead of variables. These are: network sockets, files, block devices and similar.
  • Avoid performing memory operations outside of variables
  • Similarly as above if you dealing with tables then don’t expect code portability when casting table elements to different types
  • Bit shift operators should be used in caution
  • Take a caution when casting memory to struct, class or bit fields.

Final remarks

In today article I described embedded engineering practice on unit test execution on development machine instead of target. I also described areas which might cause you a problem when doing so. As always I encourage you to visit Robobo project and see how unit tests are organized there.