Classes | |
struct | Udp |
Udp hardware registers. More... | |
Macros | |
#define | UDP_FRM_NUM_FRM_NUM_Pos 0 |
#define | UDP_FRM_NUM_FRM_NUM_Msk (0x7ffu << UDP_FRM_NUM_FRM_NUM_Pos) |
(UDP_FRM_NUM) Frame Number as Defined in the Packet Field Formats | |
#define | UDP_FRM_NUM_FRM_ERR (0x1u << 16) |
(UDP_FRM_NUM) Frame Error | |
#define | UDP_FRM_NUM_FRM_OK (0x1u << 17) |
(UDP_FRM_NUM) Frame OK | |
#define | UDP_GLB_STAT_FADDEN (0x1u << 0) |
(UDP_GLB_STAT) Function Address Enable | |
#define | UDP_GLB_STAT_CONFG (0x1u << 1) |
(UDP_GLB_STAT) Configured | |
#define | UDP_GLB_STAT_ESR (0x1u << 2) |
(UDP_GLB_STAT) Enable Send Resume | |
#define | UDP_GLB_STAT_RSMINPR (0x1u << 3) |
#define | UDP_GLB_STAT_RMWUPE (0x1u << 4) |
(UDP_GLB_STAT) Remote Wake Up Enable | |
#define | UDP_FADDR_FADD_Pos 0 |
#define | UDP_FADDR_FADD_Msk (0x7fu << UDP_FADDR_FADD_Pos) |
(UDP_FADDR) Function Address Value | |
#define | UDP_FADDR_FADD(value) ((UDP_FADDR_FADD_Msk & ((value) << UDP_FADDR_FADD_Pos))) |
#define | UDP_FADDR_FEN (0x1u << 8) |
(UDP_FADDR) Function Enable | |
#define | UDP_IER_EP0INT (0x1u << 0) |
(UDP_IER) Enable Endpoint 0 Interrupt | |
#define | UDP_IER_EP1INT (0x1u << 1) |
(UDP_IER) Enable Endpoint 1 Interrupt | |
#define | UDP_IER_EP2INT (0x1u << 2) |
(UDP_IER) Enable Endpoint 2Interrupt | |
#define | UDP_IER_EP3INT (0x1u << 3) |
(UDP_IER) Enable Endpoint 3 Interrupt | |
#define | UDP_IER_EP4INT (0x1u << 4) |
(UDP_IER) Enable Endpoint 4 Interrupt | |
#define | UDP_IER_EP5INT (0x1u << 5) |
(UDP_IER) Enable Endpoint 5 Interrupt | |
#define | UDP_IER_EP6INT (0x1u << 6) |
(UDP_IER) Enable Endpoint 6 Interrupt | |
#define | UDP_IER_EP7INT (0x1u << 7) |
(UDP_IER) Enable Endpoint 7 Interrupt | |
#define | UDP_IER_RXSUSP (0x1u << 8) |
(UDP_IER) Enable UDP Suspend Interrupt | |
#define | UDP_IER_RXRSM (0x1u << 9) |
(UDP_IER) Enable UDP Resume Interrupt | |
#define | UDP_IER_EXTRSM (0x1u << 10) |
(UDP_IER) | |
#define | UDP_IER_SOFINT (0x1u << 11) |
(UDP_IER) Enable Start Of Frame Interrupt | |
#define | UDP_IER_WAKEUP (0x1u << 13) |
(UDP_IER) Enable UDP bus Wakeup Interrupt | |
#define | UDP_IDR_EP0INT (0x1u << 0) |
(UDP_IDR) Disable Endpoint 0 Interrupt | |
#define | UDP_IDR_EP1INT (0x1u << 1) |
(UDP_IDR) Disable Endpoint 1 Interrupt | |
#define | UDP_IDR_EP2INT (0x1u << 2) |
(UDP_IDR) Disable Endpoint 2 Interrupt | |
#define | UDP_IDR_EP3INT (0x1u << 3) |
(UDP_IDR) Disable Endpoint 3 Interrupt | |
#define | UDP_IDR_EP4INT (0x1u << 4) |
(UDP_IDR) Disable Endpoint 4 Interrupt | |
#define | UDP_IDR_EP5INT (0x1u << 5) |
(UDP_IDR) Disable Endpoint 5 Interrupt | |
#define | UDP_IDR_EP6INT (0x1u << 6) |
(UDP_IDR) Disable Endpoint 6 Interrupt | |
#define | UDP_IDR_EP7INT (0x1u << 7) |
(UDP_IDR) Disable Endpoint 7 Interrupt | |
#define | UDP_IDR_RXSUSP (0x1u << 8) |
(UDP_IDR) Disable UDP Suspend Interrupt | |
#define | UDP_IDR_RXRSM (0x1u << 9) |
(UDP_IDR) Disable UDP Resume Interrupt | |
#define | UDP_IDR_EXTRSM (0x1u << 10) |
(UDP_IDR) | |
#define | UDP_IDR_SOFINT (0x1u << 11) |
(UDP_IDR) Disable Start Of Frame Interrupt | |
#define | UDP_IDR_WAKEUP (0x1u << 13) |
(UDP_IDR) Disable USB Bus Interrupt | |
#define | UDP_IMR_EP0INT (0x1u << 0) |
(UDP_IMR) Mask Endpoint 0 Interrupt | |
#define | UDP_IMR_EP1INT (0x1u << 1) |
(UDP_IMR) Mask Endpoint 1 Interrupt | |
#define | UDP_IMR_EP2INT (0x1u << 2) |
(UDP_IMR) Mask Endpoint 2 Interrupt | |
#define | UDP_IMR_EP3INT (0x1u << 3) |
(UDP_IMR) Mask Endpoint 3 Interrupt | |
#define | UDP_IMR_EP4INT (0x1u << 4) |
(UDP_IMR) Mask Endpoint 4 Interrupt | |
#define | UDP_IMR_EP5INT (0x1u << 5) |
(UDP_IMR) Mask Endpoint 5 Interrupt | |
#define | UDP_IMR_EP6INT (0x1u << 6) |
(UDP_IMR) Mask Endpoint 6 Interrupt | |
#define | UDP_IMR_EP7INT (0x1u << 7) |
(UDP_IMR) Mask Endpoint 7 Interrupt | |
#define | UDP_IMR_RXSUSP (0x1u << 8) |
(UDP_IMR) Mask UDP Suspend Interrupt | |
#define | UDP_IMR_RXRSM (0x1u << 9) |
(UDP_IMR) Mask UDP Resume Interrupt. | |
#define | UDP_IMR_EXTRSM (0x1u << 10) |
(UDP_IMR) | |
#define | UDP_IMR_SOFINT (0x1u << 11) |
(UDP_IMR) Mask Start Of Frame Interrupt | |
#define | UDP_IMR_BIT12 (0x1u << 12) |
(UDP_IMR) UDP_IMR Bit 12 | |
#define | UDP_IMR_WAKEUP (0x1u << 13) |
(UDP_IMR) USB Bus WAKEUP Interrupt | |
#define | UDP_ISR_EP0INT (0x1u << 0) |
(UDP_ISR) Endpoint 0 Interrupt Status | |
#define | UDP_ISR_EP1INT (0x1u << 1) |
(UDP_ISR) Endpoint 1 Interrupt Status | |
#define | UDP_ISR_EP2INT (0x1u << 2) |
(UDP_ISR) Endpoint 2 Interrupt Status | |
#define | UDP_ISR_EP3INT (0x1u << 3) |
(UDP_ISR) Endpoint 3 Interrupt Status | |
#define | UDP_ISR_EP4INT (0x1u << 4) |
(UDP_ISR) Endpoint 4 Interrupt Status | |
#define | UDP_ISR_EP5INT (0x1u << 5) |
(UDP_ISR) Endpoint 5 Interrupt Status | |
#define | UDP_ISR_EP6INT (0x1u << 6) |
(UDP_ISR) Endpoint 6 Interrupt Status | |
#define | UDP_ISR_EP7INT (0x1u << 7) |
(UDP_ISR) Endpoint 7Interrupt Status | |
#define | UDP_ISR_RXSUSP (0x1u << 8) |
(UDP_ISR) UDP Suspend Interrupt Status | |
#define | UDP_ISR_RXRSM (0x1u << 9) |
(UDP_ISR) UDP Resume Interrupt Status | |
#define | UDP_ISR_EXTRSM (0x1u << 10) |
(UDP_ISR) | |
#define | UDP_ISR_SOFINT (0x1u << 11) |
(UDP_ISR) Start of Frame Interrupt Status | |
#define | UDP_ISR_ENDBUSRES (0x1u << 12) |
(UDP_ISR) End of BUS Reset Interrupt Status | |
#define | UDP_ISR_WAKEUP (0x1u << 13) |
(UDP_ISR) UDP Resume Interrupt Status | |
#define | UDP_ICR_RXSUSP (0x1u << 8) |
(UDP_ICR) Clear UDP Suspend Interrupt | |
#define | UDP_ICR_RXRSM (0x1u << 9) |
(UDP_ICR) Clear UDP Resume Interrupt | |
#define | UDP_ICR_EXTRSM (0x1u << 10) |
(UDP_ICR) | |
#define | UDP_ICR_SOFINT (0x1u << 11) |
(UDP_ICR) Clear Start Of Frame Interrupt | |
#define | UDP_ICR_ENDBUSRES (0x1u << 12) |
(UDP_ICR) Clear End of Bus Reset Interrupt | |
#define | UDP_ICR_WAKEUP (0x1u << 13) |
(UDP_ICR) Clear Wakeup Interrupt | |
#define | UDP_RST_EP_EP0 (0x1u << 0) |
(UDP_RST_EP) Reset Endpoint 0 | |
#define | UDP_RST_EP_EP1 (0x1u << 1) |
(UDP_RST_EP) Reset Endpoint 1 | |
#define | UDP_RST_EP_EP2 (0x1u << 2) |
(UDP_RST_EP) Reset Endpoint 2 | |
#define | UDP_RST_EP_EP3 (0x1u << 3) |
(UDP_RST_EP) Reset Endpoint 3 | |
#define | UDP_RST_EP_EP4 (0x1u << 4) |
(UDP_RST_EP) Reset Endpoint 4 | |
#define | UDP_RST_EP_EP5 (0x1u << 5) |
(UDP_RST_EP) Reset Endpoint 5 | |
#define | UDP_RST_EP_EP6 (0x1u << 6) |
(UDP_RST_EP) Reset Endpoint 6 | |
#define | UDP_RST_EP_EP7 (0x1u << 7) |
(UDP_RST_EP) Reset Endpoint 7 | |
#define | UDP_CSR_TXCOMP (0x1u << 0) |
(UDP_CSR[8]) Generates an IN Packet with Data Previously Written in the DPR | |
#define | UDP_CSR_RX_DATA_BK0 (0x1u << 1) |
(UDP_CSR[8]) Receive Data Bank 0 | |
#define | UDP_CSR_RXSETUP (0x1u << 2) |
(UDP_CSR[8]) Received Setup | |
#define | UDP_CSR_STALLSENT (0x1u << 3) |
(UDP_CSR[8]) Stall Sent (Control, Bulk Interrupt Endpoints)/ISOERROR (Isochronous Endpoints) | |
#define | UDP_CSR_ISOERROR (0x1u << 3) |
(UDP_CSR[8]) Stall Sent (Control, Bulk Interrupt Endpoints)/ISOERROR (Isochronous Endpoints) | |
#define | UDP_CSR_TXPKTRDY (0x1u << 4) |
(UDP_CSR[8]) Transmit Packet Ready | |
#define | UDP_CSR_FORCESTALL (0x1u << 5) |
(UDP_CSR[8]) Force Stall (used by Control, Bulk and Isochronous Endpoints) | |
#define | UDP_CSR_RX_DATA_BK1 (0x1u << 6) |
(UDP_CSR[8]) Receive Data Bank 1 (only used by endpoints with ping-pong attributes) | |
#define | UDP_CSR_DIR (0x1u << 7) |
(UDP_CSR[8]) Transfer Direction (only available for control endpoints) | |
#define | UDP_CSR_EPTYPE_Pos 8 |
#define | UDP_CSR_EPTYPE_Msk (0x7u << UDP_CSR_EPTYPE_Pos) |
(UDP_CSR[8]) Endpoint Type | |
#define | UDP_CSR_EPTYPE_CTRL (0x0u << 8) |
(UDP_CSR[8]) Control | |
#define | UDP_CSR_EPTYPE_ISO_OUT (0x1u << 8) |
(UDP_CSR[8]) Isochronous OUT | |
#define | UDP_CSR_EPTYPE_BULK_OUT (0x2u << 8) |
(UDP_CSR[8]) Bulk OUT | |
#define | UDP_CSR_EPTYPE_INT_OUT (0x3u << 8) |
(UDP_CSR[8]) Interrupt OUT | |
#define | UDP_CSR_EPTYPE_ISO_IN (0x5u << 8) |
(UDP_CSR[8]) Isochronous IN | |
#define | UDP_CSR_EPTYPE_BULK_IN (0x6u << 8) |
(UDP_CSR[8]) Bulk IN | |
#define | UDP_CSR_EPTYPE_INT_IN (0x7u << 8) |
(UDP_CSR[8]) Interrupt IN | |
#define | UDP_CSR_DTGLE (0x1u << 11) |
(UDP_CSR[8]) Data Toggle | |
#define | UDP_CSR_EPEDS (0x1u << 15) |
(UDP_CSR[8]) Endpoint Enable Disable | |
#define | UDP_CSR_RXBYTECNT_Pos 16 |
#define | UDP_CSR_RXBYTECNT_Msk (0x7ffu << UDP_CSR_RXBYTECNT_Pos) |
(UDP_CSR[8]) Number of Bytes Available in the FIFO | |
#define | UDP_CSR_RXBYTECNT(value) ((UDP_CSR_RXBYTECNT_Msk & ((value) << UDP_CSR_RXBYTECNT_Pos))) |
#define | UDP_FDR_FIFO_DATA_Pos 0 |
#define | UDP_FDR_FIFO_DATA_Msk (0xffu << UDP_FDR_FIFO_DATA_Pos) |
(UDP_FDR[8]) FIFO Data Value | |
#define | UDP_FDR_FIFO_DATA(value) ((UDP_FDR_FIFO_DATA_Msk & ((value) << UDP_FDR_FIFO_DATA_Pos))) |
#define | UDP_TXVC_TXVDIS (0x1u << 8) |
(UDP_TXVC) Transceiver Disable | |
#define | UDP_TXVC_PUON (0x1u << 9) |
(UDP_TXVC) Pullup On | |