If you would like to start your Github hosted page I will briefly describe what I’ve done. You can see my code in repository so I think this could be useful in case you are stuck.

Why would you even like to use Github pages?

I assume nowdays if you want to share your project you need a webpage. If you don’t have one nobody will pay attention to your work unless you are Apple or Google. I think it is extremely useful to get webpage created out from your repository so you keep everything in one place. This way your work is efficient and streamlined. Github provides you an easy way to get your web page hosted. Web page generated this way is static so don’t expect any business logic at server side - this is purely for presentation and nothing more.

Let me tell you a few words about my process of webpage creation. Please take a look into my repository. In Github project settings I’ve selected to host docs folder from my master branch. My typical activity is adding new posts in docs/_posts/. Each post is just new .md text file. .md file extensions stands for MarkDown format. You can find details on markdown format here. It is convenient and simple.

Lets get started.

Although it seems like Github provide easy to use guide I fell into several pitfalls. I’m not so into Ruby technology that is probably a reason. But really you don’t need to actually have a deep understating of Ruby in order to use Github pages.

My suggestion is to to do Jekyll compile at your side before starting any work in your repository. This will basically reduce number of really unnecessary commits and save your time. Secondly be advised that Jekyll compile of your pages at Github are not happening right away. It make take minutes until changes you push to your repository are visible on your browser. Once again its easier to do compile at your side.

Spent some time on installing Ruby and Jekyll environment in your PC. This topic is well covered on Github documents here. Be advised that you need to install additional software in your pc to able compile and run Jekyll. In Linux you will have to download multiple packages with source code of libraries requested by Jekyll and its dependencies. Usually errors displayed by gem install are sufficient to realize what is actually missing. For myself I needed to install zlib source code packages in my ubuntu Linux. For that particular package installation I run sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev.

When finally you are able to successfully execute following set of commands:

jekyll new my-awesome-site
cd my-awesome-site
bundle exec jekyll serve

you are ready for some more explanation about themes.


Before selecting theme be advised that only subset of themes are prepared to do the work that is provided by default minima theme. For myself I was truly after blog functionality. Minima theme provides you layouts called page, post and home unlike others just provide default. So if you are looking for fast start stick to minima. If you change it you need to start with default layout and then self create others in order to do a single blog post.