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pwmc.h File Reference
#include "../chip.h"
#include <stdint.h>

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void PWMC_ConfigureChannel (Pwm *pPwm, uint32_t ul_channel, uint32_t prescaler, uint32_t alignment, uint32_t polarity)
 Configures PWM a ul_channel with the given parameters, basic configure function. More...
void PWMC_ConfigureChannelExt (Pwm *pPwm, uint32_t ul_channel, uint32_t prescaler, uint32_t alignment, uint32_t polarity, uint32_t countEventSelect, uint32_t DTEnable, uint32_t DTHInverte, uint32_t DTLInverte)
 Configures PWM a ul_channel with the given parameters, extend configure function. More...
void PWMC_ConfigureClocks (uint32_t clka, uint32_t clkb, uint32_t mck)
 Configures PWM clocks A & B to run at the given frequencies. More...
void PWMC_SetPeriod (Pwm *pPwm, uint32_t ul_channel, uint16_t period)
 Sets the period value used by a PWM ul_channel. More...
void PWMC_SetDutyCycle (Pwm *pPwm, uint32_t ul_channel, uint16_t duty)
 Sets the duty cycle used by a PWM ul_channel. This function writes directly to the CDTY register if the ul_channel is disabled; otherwise it uses the update register CDTYUPD. Note that the duty cycle must always be inferior or equal to the ul_channel period. More...
void PWMC_SetDeadTime (Pwm *pPwm, uint32_t ul_channel, uint16_t timeH, uint16_t timeL)
 Sets the dead time used by a PWM ul_channel. This function writes directly to the DT register if the ul_channel is disabled; otherwise it uses the update register DTUPD. Note that the dead time must always be inferior or equal to the ul_channel period. More...
void PWMC_ConfigureSyncChannel (Pwm *pPwm, uint32_t ul_channels, uint32_t updateMode, uint32_t requestMode, uint32_t requestComparisonSelect)
 Configures Syncronous ul_channel with the given parameters. Beware: At this time, the channels should be disabled. More...
void PWMC_SetSyncChannelUpdatePeriod (Pwm *pPwm, uint8_t period)
 Sets the update period of the synchronous channels. This function writes directly to the SCUP register if the ul_channel #0 is disabled; otherwise it uses the update register SCUPUPD. More...
void PWMC_SetSyncChannelUpdateUnlock (Pwm *pPwm)
 Sets synchronous channels update unlock. More...
void PWMC_EnableChannel (Pwm *pPwm, uint32_t ul_channel)
 Enables the given PWM ul_channel. More...
void PWMC_DisableChannel (Pwm *pPwm, uint32_t ul_channel)
 Disables the given PWM ul_channel. More...
void PWMC_EnableChannelIt (Pwm *pPwm, uint32_t ul_channel)
 Enables the period interrupt for the given PWM ul_channel. More...
void PWMC_DisableChannelIt (Pwm *pPwm, uint32_t ul_channel)
 Disables the period interrupt for the given PWM ul_channel. More...
void PWMC_EnableIt (Pwm *pPwm, uint32_t sources1, uint32_t sources2)
 Enables the selected interrupts sources on a PWMC peripheral. More...
void PWMC_DisableIt (Pwm *pPwm, uint32_t sources1, uint32_t sources2)
 Disables the selected interrupts sources on a PWMC peripheral. More...
uint8_t PWMC_WriteBuffer (Pwm *pwmc, void *buffer, uint32_t length)
 Sends the contents of buffer through a PWMC peripheral, using the PDC to take care of the transfer. More...
void PWMC_SetOverrideValue (Pwm *pPwm, uint32_t value)
 Set PWM output override value. More...
void PWMC_EnableOverrideOutput (Pwm *pPwm, uint32_t value, uint32_t sync)
 Enalbe override output. More...
void PWMC_DisableOverrideOutput (Pwm *pPwm, uint32_t value, uint32_t sync)
 Disalbe override output. More...
void PWMC_SetFaultMode (Pwm *pPwm, uint32_t mode)
 Set PWM fault mode. More...
void PWMC_FaultClear (Pwm *pPwm, uint32_t fault)
 PWM fault clear. More...
void PWMC_SetFaultProtectionValue (Pwm *pPwm, uint32_t value)
 Set PWM fault protection value. More...
void PWMC_EnableFaultProtection (Pwm *pPwm, uint32_t ul_channel, uint32_t value)
 Enable PWM fault protection. More...
void PWMC_ConfigureComparisonUnit (Pwm *pPwm, uint32_t x, uint32_t value, uint32_t mode)
 Configure comparison unit. More...
void PWMC_ConfigureEventLineMode (Pwm *pPwm, uint32_t x, uint32_t mode)
 Configure event line mode. More...

Detailed Description


Interface for configuration the Pulse Width Modulation Controller (PWM) peripheral.

  1. Configures PWM clocks A & B to run at the given frequencies using PWMC_ConfigureClocks().
  2. Configure PWMC channel using PWMC_ConfigureChannel(), PWMC_ConfigureChannelExt() PWMC_SetPeriod(), PWMC_SetDutyCycle() and PWMC_SetDeadTime().
  3. Enable & disable channel using PWMC_EnableChannel() and PWMC_DisableChannel().
  4. Enable & disable the period interrupt for the given PWM channel using PWMC_EnableChannelIt() and PWMC_DisableChannelIt().
  5. Enable & disable the selected interrupts sources on a PWMC peripheral using PWMC_EnableIt() and PWMC_DisableIt().
  6. Control syncronous channel using PWMC_ConfigureSyncChannel(), PWMC_SetSyncChannelUpdatePeriod() and PWMC_SetSyncChannelUpdateUnlock().
  7. Control PWM override output using PWMC_SetOverrideValue(), PWMC_EnableOverrideOutput() and PWMC_DisableOverrideOutput().
  8. Send data through the transmitter using PWMC_WriteBuffer().

Function Documentation

void PWMC_ConfigureChannel ( Pwm pPwm,
uint32_t  ul_channel,
uint32_t  prescaler,
uint32_t  alignment,
uint32_t  polarity 

Configures PWM a ul_channel with the given parameters, basic configure function.

The PWM controller must have been clocked in the PMC prior to calling this function. Beware: this function disables the ul_channel. It waits until disable is effective.

ul_channelChannel number.
prescalerChannel prescaler.
alignmentChannel alignment.
polarityChannel polarity.
void PWMC_ConfigureChannelExt ( Pwm pPwm,
uint32_t  ul_channel,
uint32_t  prescaler,
uint32_t  alignment,
uint32_t  polarity,
uint32_t  countEventSelect,
uint32_t  DTEnable,
uint32_t  DTHInverte,
uint32_t  DTLInverte 

Configures PWM a ul_channel with the given parameters, extend configure function.

The PWM controller must have been clocked in the PMC prior to calling this function. Beware: this function disables the ul_channel. It waits until disable is effective.

ul_channelChannel number.
prescalerChannel prescaler.
alignmentChannel alignment.
polarityChannel polarity.
countEventSelectChannel counter event selection.
DTEnableChannel dead time generator enable.
DTHInverteChannel Dead-Time PWMHx output Inverted.
DTLInverteChannel Dead-Time PWMHx output Inverted.
void PWMC_ConfigureClocks ( uint32_t  clka,
uint32_t  clkb,
uint32_t  mck 

Configures PWM clocks A & B to run at the given frequencies.

This function finds the best MCK divisor and prescaler values automatically.

clkaDesired clock A frequency (0 if not used).
clkbDesired clock B frequency (0 if not used).
mckMaster clock frequency.
void PWMC_ConfigureComparisonUnit ( Pwm pPwm,
uint32_t  x,
uint32_t  value,
uint32_t  mode 

Configure comparison unit.

xcomparison x index
valuecomparison x value.
modecomparison x mode
void PWMC_ConfigureEventLineMode ( Pwm pPwm,
uint32_t  x,
uint32_t  mode 

Configure event line mode.

xLine x
modeBitwise OR of line mode selection
void PWMC_ConfigureSyncChannel ( Pwm pPwm,
uint32_t  ul_channels,
uint32_t  updateMode,
uint32_t  requestMode,
uint32_t  requestComparisonSelect 

Configures Syncronous ul_channel with the given parameters. Beware: At this time, the channels should be disabled.

channelsBitwise OR of Syncronous channels.
updateModeSyncronous ul_channel update mode.
requestModePDC transfer request mode.
requestComparisonSelectPDC transfer request comparison selection.
void PWMC_DisableChannel ( Pwm pPwm,
uint32_t  ul_channel 

Disables the given PWM ul_channel.

Beware, ul_channel will be effectively disabled at the end of the current period. Application can check ul_channel is disabled using the following wait loop: while ((PWM->PWM_SR & (1 << ul_channel)) != 0);

ul_channelChannel number.
void PWMC_DisableChannelIt ( Pwm pPwm,
uint32_t  ul_channel 

Disables the period interrupt for the given PWM ul_channel.

ul_channelChannel number.
void PWMC_DisableIt ( Pwm pPwm,
uint32_t  sources1,
uint32_t  sources2 

Disables the selected interrupts sources on a PWMC peripheral.

sources1Bitwise OR of selected interrupt sources of PWM_IDR1.
sources2Bitwise OR of selected interrupt sources of PWM_IDR2.
void PWMC_DisableOverrideOutput ( Pwm pPwm,
uint32_t  value,
uint32_t  sync 

Disalbe override output.

valueBitwise OR of output selection.
sync0: enable the output asyncronously, 1: enable it syncronously
void PWMC_EnableChannel ( Pwm pPwm,
uint32_t  ul_channel 

Enables the given PWM ul_channel.

This does NOT enable the corresponding pin;this must be done in the user code.

ul_channelChannel number.
void PWMC_EnableChannelIt ( Pwm pPwm,
uint32_t  ul_channel 

Enables the period interrupt for the given PWM ul_channel.

ul_channelChannel number.
void PWMC_EnableFaultProtection ( Pwm pPwm,
uint32_t  ul_channel,
uint32_t  ul_value 

Enable PWM fault protection.

valueBitwise OR of FPEx[y].
void PWMC_EnableIt ( Pwm pPwm,
uint32_t  sources1,
uint32_t  sources2 

Enables the selected interrupts sources on a PWMC peripheral.

sources1Bitwise OR of selected interrupt sources of PWM_IER1.
sources2Bitwise OR of selected interrupt sources of PWM_IER2.
void PWMC_EnableOverrideOutput ( Pwm pPwm,
uint32_t  value,
uint32_t  sync 

Enalbe override output.

valueBitwise OR of output selection.
sync0: enable the output asyncronously, 1: enable it syncronously
void PWMC_FaultClear ( Pwm pPwm,
uint32_t  fault 

PWM fault clear.

faultBitwise OR of fault to clear.
void PWMC_SetDeadTime ( Pwm pPwm,
uint32_t  ul_channel,
uint16_t  timeH,
uint16_t  timeL 

Sets the dead time used by a PWM ul_channel. This function writes directly to the DT register if the ul_channel is disabled; otherwise it uses the update register DTUPD. Note that the dead time must always be inferior or equal to the ul_channel period.

ul_channelChannel number.
timeHDead time value for PWMHx output.
timeLDead time value for PWMLx output.
void PWMC_SetDutyCycle ( Pwm pPwm,
uint32_t  ul_channel,
uint16_t  duty 

Sets the duty cycle used by a PWM ul_channel. This function writes directly to the CDTY register if the ul_channel is disabled; otherwise it uses the update register CDTYUPD. Note that the duty cycle must always be inferior or equal to the ul_channel period.

ul_channelChannel number.
dutyDuty cycle value.
void PWMC_SetFaultMode ( Pwm pPwm,
uint32_t  mode 

Set PWM fault mode.

modeBitwise OR of fault mode.
void PWMC_SetFaultProtectionValue ( Pwm pPwm,
uint32_t  value 

Set PWM fault protection value.

valueBitwise OR of fault protection value.
void PWMC_SetOverrideValue ( Pwm pPwm,
uint32_t  value 

Set PWM output override value.

valueBitwise OR of output override value.
void PWMC_SetPeriod ( Pwm pPwm,
uint32_t  ul_channel,
uint16_t  period 

Sets the period value used by a PWM ul_channel.

This function writes directly to the CPRD register if the ul_channel is disabled; otherwise, it uses the update register CPRDUPD.

ul_channelChannel number.
periodPeriod value.
void PWMC_SetSyncChannelUpdatePeriod ( Pwm pPwm,
uint8_t  period 

Sets the update period of the synchronous channels. This function writes directly to the SCUP register if the ul_channel #0 is disabled; otherwise it uses the update register SCUPUPD.

periodupdate period.
void PWMC_SetSyncChannelUpdateUnlock ( Pwm pPwm)

Sets synchronous channels update unlock.

Note: If the UPDM field is set to 0, writing the UPDULOCK bit to 1 triggers the update of the period value, the duty-cycle and the dead-time values of synchronous channels at the beginning of the next PWM period. If the field UPDM is set to 1 or 2, writing the UPDULOCK bit to 1 triggers only the update of the period value and of the dead-time values of synchronous channels. This bit is automatically reset when the update is done.

uint8_t PWMC_WriteBuffer ( Pwm pwmc,
void *  pvBuffer,
uint32_t  length 

Sends the contents of buffer through a PWMC peripheral, using the PDC to take care of the transfer.

Note: Duty cycle of syncronous channels can update by PDC when the field UPDM (Update Mode) in the PWM_SCM register is set to 2.

pwmcPointer to an Pwm instance.
pvBufferData buffer to send.
lengthLength of the data buffer.